We have reached the half time.

After the first half do you have to gain strength for the last half. In a football game do you have a break for this but not here. 30th of April in 2018 the first half is over, only one month left. On this day we had tow reasons to celebrate. Giang and Son move to us in our accomodation. In my break, I went fast at home to clean my room. After my work I gone to Giang and Son to help by pack. After the change of the accomodation, I cooked for us summer noodles with a lot of vegetables. After our dinner, we played „UNO“ in Dominiks room. Later we went in the bed.


At the 1st of May in 2018, this was the day where something died in me. I was at work like normaly


every day. I worked with „WordPress“. After my work I went at home shortly to change my clothes. Because I wanted to go in the Cinema with Robert, Guiliano, Jakob, Steve and Leon. We watched the new „Avengers“ movie „Infinity War“. At the end of this movie my world is broken. Something died in me. Now I have to wait for the seccond part from „Infinity War“ for one year. I’m pretty excited. This movie ran in 3 rooms of this cinema and the movie was sold out. After the movie I went home, I was so sad and mad both at the same time. I believe I have to write a latter to „Stan Lee“. When I got home, I immediately went to bed.


At the 2nd of May in 2018, on this day we met our trainer Mr. Bavar. We met him on the City Hall. Then we went together in a „Café Nero“. After our „Hot Chocolate“ we went in a diner for buritos and tacos. Mr. Bavar asked us about our time here in Belfast. The most of us sayed to him, we have a great time here. After our meeting and dinner, everyone went to his own accomodation. On this day I went early to the bed, because I was so tired.

3 Gedanken zu „We have reached the half time.“

  1. Keep Going Jenny, the next movie will be great, hopefully 😉 *cheer up*

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