Zoo Belfast

At Sunday the 29th of April in 2018 I slept long at this day because we want to met us at 3.00pm in the front of the zoo. Dominik, Phi and me startet our way to the bus station and from there we drove to the city centre to change there the bus. We was sitting in the seccond bus to drive to the zoo but then was Giang phoned Dominik, because Giang and Son had problems with the bus so we left our bus to met Giang and Son at the City Hall. Then we drove together with Giang and Son to the zoo.

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Two pubs in one day

At Thursday the 26th of April in 2018 I had to fix the problem from the day before. So I had to rebuild the website on my own webserver. But for the first I had to install „wordpress“ on my server. After the installation on my webserver I started to rebuild the website about „WordPress“. After my work, i ate for dinner „Maccaroni and Chesse“ it was the same ready meal like Monday. But i taste so good.


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