„New Monday, new week, new goals.“

(quote from unknown author)

Because this week become routine, I only summarise the first days of the second week.

Monday 9th of April in 2018:
At work, I met new colleagues, who are returning from their holidays. There were a lot of persons. I still can’t remember all the names yet.
All in all nothing special happened today. „„New Monday, new week, new goals.““ weiterlesen

New network design

Day 11&12 11.-12.04.18 Wednesday&Thursday


On Wednesday I had to design a part of the network topology with microsoft visio. At the end of my work experience they want me to have the whole network infrastructure map in visio so they can look at it. Today i tested some configurations at cisco switches and cisco asa [firewall] devices which will later roll out into the live systems. To understand each configuration I had to compare them to see the differences more clearly for myself. „New network design“ weiterlesen

New Tasks

Today is the 11.04.2018 and I got a new job at work. My task is it now to create an online shop, which can be managed with WordPress. The website should not be a normal online shop, because it will be equipped with products from Amazon. In detail its based on the Amazon Affiliate Program and its API. Thus, you can shop on the company’s website, but you do not notice that you actually buy products from Amazon.

Before I could start, I had to inform myself about many things. For example how I should design the website, which customer area should be addressed and of course the technical background.

At the end of the day I managed to get the majority of the information I need and even made the basic configuration of the Ubuntu server (for those of you who are familiar with the topic, I basically did a LAMP installation).

Quiz Night

As usual my workday at Anaeko office started at 9am.

Robert (also from the OSZIMT) and I are currently programming and testing an API in Python which is used for sending and receiving data from a server. This data consists of facts and is associated with a timestamp. The product is called ServiceClarity and aims at big companies like IBM to get an overview of their intern processes.

„Quiz Night“ weiterlesen

Sunshine in Belfast

Day 9&10 09.-10.04.2018 Monday&Tuesday


At Monday I couldn’t believe it, but there was a day in Northern Ireland there it didn’t rain for 24h. If you guys ever go to Ireland you better should enjoy every bit of sunshine you can get. Today my department manager came back from his holiday so he began to explain to me how the network topology looks like and the names convention that they use. „Sunshine in Belfast“ weiterlesen

My impressions after the first week in Belfast

The first days in Belfast were very hard for me, it was rainy and cold so we decided to go to the pub on our first evening here. Unfortunately it was on easter sunday and all pubs closed at 10 pm so we decided to go back home. On monday we walked around the city and tested some pubs, again. I struggled very much with the city because in our flat it was cold all the time and the kitchen was quite bad. On Tuesday we had the first meeting with Intern Europe where they showed us a video about Belfast, before doing a some sightseeing, it was of course still raining all the time. I went to sleep pretty early on Tuesday because I was very nervous about my first day at work.

My first day of work:

Intern Europe told me that the NMNI is pretty big so I would most likely get lost on my first day, and well exactly that happened so my supervisor Robyn had to search me. At first A was introduced to everyone and they showed me the musuem, it has a huge outdoor park where I have to get through to reach my office. My coworkers Graham and Gareth are very kind and showed me everything, im sure it will be a great work experience. After the introduction they showed me what my next days would look like, in the beginning i will mostly set up PCs for new Users create an Account in the Domain for them and get their workplace ready. After my first day of work I had mixed feelings it still was cold in the flat and I still had some backpains from the sleep on my „bed“, but nevertheless Im sure it will be a good time and my flatmates already told me that it will get warmer. On thursday not much happened at work ive set up PCs the whole day with which I will equip a new office on friday. On friday i was verz excited about the first real weekend in Belfast which we of course started with a night in the pubs the nightlife here is actually great but also quite expensive so I spend about 60£ in one evening (totally worth it). On saturday I woke up with a huge hangover so I couldnt do that much over the day. On sundaz finally it became much warmer so we visited the St Georgs market where they mostly sell goods of locals and serve good food. The rest of the day I spent with our flatmates and they showed me where the next gym is. So as conclusion I have to say that I started here with very mixed feeling because it was cold and rainy all the time and our flat was pretty dirty, but now as the weather is getting better and better and as I’m getting used to the food I think it will be a great time over here.

Work and power failure

Since some interesting things have happened at my workplace today I would like to tell you something about it. The day started already with a small surprise. In our small startup we now have another student who spends her internship abroad in Belfast. However, because she lives in the same accommodation as me since three days, we didn’t saw us for the first time. After we get our tasks for the day, John left us for the rest of the day. Since we were now alone John left me his number, in case something unexpected happens.
„Work and power failure“ weiterlesen

„Each day is a little lifetime. Enjoy every moment.“

(quote from unknown)

8th of April in 2018:

One of the days with good weather.
Our plan for was to visit the St. George´s Market. It takes place in a hall (Indoor Market), where the exhibitors sell local art and craft and food. It holds a weekly market on Friday Variety Market, Saturday City Food and Garden Market, and Sunday Food, Craft and Antique Market. It was built between 1890 and 1896.

„„Each day is a little lifetime. Enjoy every moment.““ weiterlesen