London at Night

Steven and my initial plan on Saturday was to go to the Camden Market together with Artin who unfortunately slept until 6 PM and so we were not able to do that because the market closes at 6 PM. And so Steven and I spent the day relaxing at home watching videos and playing some games until Artin came to our place from where we then took the train to Charring Cross.

From there we first walked to „Shake Shack“ which is a burger fast food restaurant where Artin got himself a burger. We continued to walk down the street to the Ben&Jerry’s store where Steven wanted to get himself a milk shake but they unfortunately were already cleaning the machine.

Afterwards we wanted to get into a pub but in the first one you had to be on the guest list and the second one we tried to get in was already closing. And so we decided to just go back to Catford where we came from and go to the Ninth life but sadly we had to find out that the pub turns into a 21+ pub at a certain time and so we just went home.

On Sunday Steven and I relaxed at home. I spent the day watching Gordon Ramsay’s TV show „Kitchen Nightmares“ on Youtube. At around 4 PM I went out and got myself a two shawarmas at a local Libanese street food restaurant which were very delicious but not as good as the ones I often eat in Berlin. After around an hour I was back home and continued watching my show and playing some games until supper was ready.

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