Finally good news (at least for some of us)!

Today we got another email from our school. The project manager told us, that we just have to do the English test online and not the course, but he wasn’t 100% sure so he said he would give us more information soon.

I also tried to access the course, but it is still not working…

I showed one of my colleagues my program, so far so good. Now they got more information which means for me that I have to do a lot of researches in order to rewrite half of my program.

„Finally good news (at least for some of us)!“ weiterlesen

Language is not always important

One of the more important lessons to learn is that sometimes it is not about the language but about understanding each other in some way. I am going to the BFC every Thursday but since last Thursday i am going there to play 1 to 2 matches of chess with another player that is nearly at the same level then me. The thing that is making this special is that he is a deaf and mute person and english is not his mothertounge so even if we write something down it will not always be understood in the way we want. So what i learned is that sometimes it really is more about what your body and actions is sending as a message and not the actual language. Even then we were able to communicate to each other about me being there for 2 more of these meetings and some more rounds of chess and on the other side you can somehow see that he is arriving at these meetings with a good mood and always looking forward to playing chess.

Reorganising a room

So these last two days at work I had the task of „reorganising“ the printer room into another schooling room. Reorganising is a bit of a euphemism, essentially we are going to take everything out of the room and once we did that we will probably lay some new cables and then furnish the room with „new“ tables and computers. „Reorganising a room“ weiterlesen