Mid Placement

Yesterday was actually a day like any other, since everything is now very routine. The time here in Belfast goes by very quickly and it is amazing that we have been here for a month. The work is now running very well, since i know my tasks and be familiar with the systems. Exactly that was the topic of the meeting with intern europe . We were asked how we get along here and whether there are other problems. All in all, I am very satisfied, even if there are some things here and there that bother me here. For example, there would be the fact that the buses always drive to the city center, which makes the journey to work and other journeys longer than necessary. Furthermore, living with 12 people in a house is sometimes very exhausting, especially when you consider that we have to share a kitchen. Nevertheless, I would recommend everyone to make this experience once. Maybe not so long but also has its advantages because you have more time to get used to new things.

Finally, I must say that my initial skepticism about such a long stay abroad has settled, but I will also be happy to be back home.


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