The last long weekend

The last long weekend of my stay is coming to an end. Like most other weekends I didn’t go into the city too much. Only time I took the bus was to go to „Wimpys“, a burger chain not common in Germany. Afterwards me, Thore and Julius spontaneously decided to buy a basketball and a football (the american version) at a nearby sports store for 7£ and head to a basketball hoop near our house. I hadn’t played basketball in quite some time and both Julius and Thore weren’t exactly experts either so we mostly missed at the start, but after some time we started getting better, despite the wind getting stronger. It wasn’t exactly the best „court“ but it was fun nonetheless and I hope we’ll do the same next weekend.

Otherwise the weekend was mostly just relaxing and sitting around with the guys. We actually wanted to go to the city on Saturday, but the weather was too bad, so we cancelled. Instead we tested the kebab place around the corner, their „doner“ is not the best, but the doner wrap is quite nice, since it’s 90% meat. On another note we are all looking forward to the 8th, when we all get to go home.

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