Another Visit to Camden Market

Sunday was my uncles last full day here in London, so we decided we would spend the day at the infamous Camden Market, where I had been a couple of times already. Arriving there, we checked out the shops and attractions.

We went to a street food stand called Baba G’s and got some Indian burgers. I had a spicy lamb burger and my uncle had a chicken tikka burger. They turned out to be very tasty. We also went to a book store at the Market, and checked out what they had.

After chilling at the market for some time, we walked to Regent’s park for a stroll. Walking through the park, we made our way to Baker Street, passing the Sherlock Holmes museum. We took the train to Catford, and went to my beloved pub, The Ninth Life. Being quite hungry after walking through the city, I got myself a Pork roast and he got himself roasted butternut squash and poached eggs. We also had some Lagunitas IPA.

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