The second-to-last work week

Today my second-to-last work week ends. It actually went by fairly quickly., in part due to the Monday being a bank holiday but this week I also didn’t do what I was expecting to be doing. I thought I would continue working on the new room, but instead I mostly sat in front of my computer.

On Tuesday we got two new „IT interns“ to help us with the room. After showing them what we had to do the boss actually called me into his office to show me something else I had to do. It had to do with the tool they use to extract the attendance data of children they have to keep track of. I had to use it to get missing data and report any errors or bugs, of which there were quite a few. I also still had to keep checking the website and take note of any errors on there too.

I barely got to work with the now 3 people getting the room ready, only popped in to show them how to enter a computer into the domain or help out if they were stuck on something. As far as I can tell they are making fairly good progress, but I’m unsure if they can meet the deadline of finishing it today. If they don’t I will probably have to do it on Monday, since all of them have their last day today.

For this weekend (our last weekend in London) I’m hoping a bunch of us can get together and celebrate going home soon with a couple of drinks. Maybe play some Basketball beforehand, who knows. Otherwise I’m mostly looking forward to being in Berlin again.

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