What is this now?

Today, I went as usually at my workplace. When I turned on my computer, I saw that some icons were missing on my desktop. I ignored it and started programming. When I wanted to start my program, I needed to run the command line. As usual I pressed the windows key and “R”. This time I just got an alert that this was not allowed. At this moment I was a bit confused.

I thought to open the start menu and type “cmd” there, but there was no hit. At this moment I already knew that something failed with the group policies. When I checked my group policy, I found out that my computer is in a Windows 10 group. The fact is that I use Windows 7.

I asked my colleague and he told me, that they did an update yesterday and something went wrong with my computer. I also told him that I’m in the Windows 10 group, but he ignored this thing and told me I’m wrong.

Later, he moved my account from group to group and all the time I had to reboot my computer. The smarter way would be to log off or just a simple command.

After around 30 minutes they gave up. The solution we came up with was to delete my current user account and create a new one. After taking a backup of my files, we deleted the account. After logging in again I finally had a working computer. Of course I had to reinstall and setup again every program. I still can’t create desktop icons but at least I can use the command line now.

After some researching, I found out that I got permissions to access the Active Directory. I don’t know if that was their plan because I got a lot of permissions as intern. This isn’t the best solution but I’m just happy that I can use my computer normally now.


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