Like the last weekend I was on tour to play Ingress. This time I drove on saturday to Lisburn; the place Konrad and I are knowing because of the ride in the express train. As I arrived I was surprised because I heard loud music and suddenly a carnival-like parade passed me. I decided to follow the masses of people to the Wallace park. There were a few old timer exhibited and there was even a big fair. Over the cordoned road drove behind the bandwagon some new and old military wagons followed by some people dressed up as dinosaurs. As it turned out later it was the „Mayor’s Carnival Parade and Family Fun Day“ event. The rest of the day I explored Lisburn and at the evening I drove home.
On sunday (the 22th) I wanted to explore another corner of Belfast and so I was heading to the Ormeau park which is on the other side of the Lagan. Apart from the heavy rain in between times the park is very big and beautiful. There I spended some hours before I was heading in the direction to the Titanic Quarter. I past some monuments, the Titanic and some wall paintings which adorn the streets. A while later I was a bit shocked because I almost arrived at the airport George Best. According to Google maps the whole way to the airport is about 5,6 miles(!) but I am sure my way was even longer because I had taken a few detours because of Ingress. All I can say is that I was a total of seven hours on foot.