What a busy day

Yesterday was quite a busy day at work. We had a lot of customers come and go and some workers from a security-company in the shop. But let’s start from the beginning.

The day started at 9 o’clock, as usual. On this day, the security-system got upgraded. We got some new motion sensors, panic buttons, speakers and a general system update.  So the shop was a little bit overfilled with people. The upgrade was planned to start at 12 o’clock, so we got some time before that. We repaired some televisions, notebooks and mobile phones.

I also was introduced to Fibaro, a home automation system. You can create some ‚Scenes‘ which trigger some devices at specific events, which you can set. There are three ways to create a scene. The first way is with a really simple, click by click interface. The second one is a bit more complex. You have to set like an if-then rule with some code blocks. It’s quite similar to ‚Scratch‘, a programming learning program. The last method is by writing a program with ‚Lua‘. The last method is quite interesting and I played around for a bit. I was asked to set a timer for all the shop lights, so they turn on and off automaticlly, but the shop has different opening and closing times of the week and weekend. This was quite an interesting task.

We also had a pretty „special“ customer. We repaired her notebook and told her, she can pick it up later. When she arrived to pick up the computer, she also had some other wishes. She wanted us also to install Microsoft office, install two CD’s, uninstall MacAffee, because the free trail ran out and to manage the accounting on another notebook.

Me and my roommate were told, that a new person will join this host family and stay in the room next to us.

Let’s see how things will develop in this host family.

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