A Weekend with Ice Cream and Avengers Endgame again

My roommate Nickolas went into the city for this weekend. We started at the Trafalgar Square and then walked through China Town to a Ben and Jerry’s store where we got some really good ice cream and a very good milk shake, afterwards we went back to China Town to take the underground to Camden Town.

I went to the Dr. Martens store to buy myself a new pair of shoes which I wanted to buy for a long time. The Dr. Martens store was directly on the Camden Market so we used the opportunity to look at some interesting stuff.

After the market we went to the cinema to watch Avengers Endgame. The cinema was pretty big but the movie volume was a bit too low so I couldn’t understand every word that was spoken especially when people are talking over the movie like a lot of kids were doing during the first half of the movie which was very annoying but luckily a big group of them were leaving the movie after the first half so it was way better. Seeing the movie a second time made a lot of things more clear to me so it was good that I saw it again and I am going to see that movie again in Germany with my girlfriend because she didn’t had the chance to watch it.

Around 6 o’clock pm we made our way back home but unfortunately we missed our train at London Bridge so we came home later than expected. At home we just had our dinner and then got to bed because we both were pretty tired.

On Sunday we just did our laundry and watched some videos or TV shows so it was a very calm day.

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