A Family Visit and Avengers Endgame for the Third Time

The second half of this week began with setting up a PC for a colleague, I needed to set it up for Windows 10 and build in a new hard drive but before that I removed the PC from its old domain and set up a new user. After that I moved all the data from the old user to the new user. After work I met up with my parents and my girlfriend so I can stay with them for the weekend, we went to the hotel to leave the stuff there and then tried to find a place for dinner in North Greenwich.

On the next day at work I just installed some software on that PC and did some self-study. For the lunch I met up with my family and we ate something in Twickenham. After work we went to the Camden Market to go over the market and get some food and clothes. From the Camden Market we made our way to Chinatown and the Piccadilly Circus to go in some stores there. In the evening I went into the cinema again to see Avengers Endgame with my girlfriend because she didn’t see it.

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