The play that goes wrong

After my jogging tour on Sunday I was in a rush. Because I was arranged with a new acquaintance to visit a theatre play. Fortunately, I arrived ten minutes earlier at Charing cross so there was even some to let myself advise about my Oyster Card. We met and looked for a meal. My acquaintance hit on the idea that I could have a look at a nice guide book for restaurant recommendations which I had bought yesterday at Tate Modern. We went to Pizzeria MOD Pizza. The doorman was attracting people. When I told him the way we found the restaurant he wanted to see the recommendation and showed my guide book to his colleagues. As soon as my pizza was ready, we went on our way straight to the theatre house. I was eating my pizza and when we arrived and let check our rucksacks the security forbid me to take my pizza into the lobby. After finishing the pizza outside we were short of time. But he my acquaintance collected the tickets already. Although most of the audience had sat already the play had not begun when we took our seats. There were very funny scenes and the way it was played was also nice. I would like to see another play by the same authors too. And I would definitely go to his theatre play again – whoever will come with me.

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