Tour through the city

This Saturday we decided to go to the city center early in the morning. The plan was to browse the St Georges Market again, to find souvenirs for our relatives in Germany and later to look for an opportunity to buy some clothes.


St Georges Market

Plan for the St Georges Market was to get some of the delicious Apple-juice Stefanie discovered some weeks earlier, to look for something new and exciting to buy as a souvenir and to get some delicious food. Unfortunately we had to find out that the stand with the fruit juices was not there that day, but we found something that was at least as good as the juice. We got to taste a really good handmade, tasty burger at one of the stands in the market. When we placed our order we were told that it would take some time to process our order. But the waiting time was definitely worth it. One of the best burgers I ate so far. Delicious!


Carrolls Irish Gift – Shop

As we made our way from St Georges Market to the city center, we walked past a nice looking souvenir-shop we didn’t notice before. Since Andy wanted to look for a lighter for his girlfriend, we all decided to look for some souvenirs for our families. The shop we were in was called „Carrolls Irish Gifts“ and it’s one of a series of shops scattered all around Belfast. It’s quite large and offers a huge variety of all kinds of souvenirs. From lighters over beer jugs all the way to clothes. There is something for everyone.


Primark and late afternoon

After more than an hour in the souvenir shop we went to Primark to buy clothes for each of us. After we were done doing this we said goodbye to Florian, because he had different plans for the evening than we did. He wanted to go to the friendship club, whereas we wanted to look for a good knife in a traditional kilt-shop. Unfortunately, we didn’t find what we were looking for, so we went back home and grabbed some groceries on the way home.

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