My Weekend

This weekend was very eventful. A good friend of mine, Philip, came to visit me here in London. He was going to arrive at Gatwick Airport late at night, around 11, and we were going to meet at Russel Square. This was where our hostel was located, where we would be staying for the weekend. We meet up and we where both very happy to see each other. Being quite tired that night, we didn’t do much other than get a couple of beers at a late night shop and went to bed.

The next day, Saturday, we both woke up pretty early and made our way to Camden market. After wandering around and enjoying the market, we went to an American BBQ joint and got ourselves some ribs. They were very good, nothing compared to the ones I’ve had in the US, but for European standards delicious.

After getting our lunch, we took the bus to Abby road, the street where the famous crosswalk is located that was pictured on one of the Beetles‘ album covers. Next we made our way to Hyde Park, where we chilled for a while.

At around 11 pm Philip and I wanted to meet up with Nickolas, so we went to a pub where he was currently at, a Wetherspoon pub. After having one beer, we had to leave because the place was going to close. Even though I was pretty tired, we decided we wanted to go to Fabric, an apparent techno club. I have never been clubing in London, so I didn’t know what to expect.

After standing in queue for about half an hour, we had to put all our personal belongings into a bucket. This was something I had never experienced in Berlin; in Berlin you normally just get search quickly by the bouncers and are let in. Here, at the fabric, is was much more thorough. After getting searched by multiple bouncers, I collected my belongings and we headed inside. Then came a shocker, the entry was an absurd 27£ per person. We were not willing to pay this ridiculous price so we headed back out. What an experience.

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