Update to my Work placement

During working days every day follows mostly the same pattern, but today was different.


Normally it’s like the following. Getting up just before 7 am, having breakfast just before 8 am and getting yourself ready to leave, get on the bus just after 8 am in the direction of the city centre and from there in the direction of Precept-IT. But from here on things were a little different today. Normally we first take care of the backups after arriving at Precept-IT. After that, we usually get tasks from one of the helpdesk staff members. But today we were greeted directly by Clive (our supervisor and the CEO of Precept-IT) with the task to have a look at 2 customer laptops.

Both HP devices, that did not turn on in the first place. In the first case it seemed that a broken screen was the problem, while the cause for the second Laptop not starting still had to be found. The first Laptop was a tough nut to crack, but in the end it went all as planned. While dismantling the second one we noticed that there were small splinters of broken plastic distributed throughout the whole device. It was a real mess in there. Clive told us to document everything and to write a protocol.

Some time later we were given another laptop which should be upgraded to 8GB RAM. According to a colleague one of the two RAM should not work, so we tested it. All RAM worked properly, but there were compatibility problems between the individual RAM.

A lot to screw around with for one day.

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