What a chaos

Today I contacted with my school. I have still the problem that I can’t access the online English course. I asked my school because on the site it’s written that they have to activate it. My school told me to ask the support because they can’t do something. After I wrote the support I got an answer quickly. They told me that there is something wrong and I need another invitation. So I used my second invitation that I got. I did again the first English exam which took me around 1 hour. Luckily I got the same result as the first time even though doing the same thing twice is really annoying.

Now I am just hoping that my school can activate the course for my account otherwise I will have a problem.

About the other things today, I did nothing else then the last days. Still programming the same thing, which is a really big deal because of the big amount of data, 20000 contacts is a huge amount.

In the evening I went out for my daily workout which is for me the best part of the day. I’m alone for around 1 hour, outside in the fresh air around, and doing something good for myself.


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