Review of the fifth week

Another week lies behind me now and there are three more to go. This week felt quite short and the days just flew by. I mostly enjoyed the weekend. We went to the St George’s Market on Saturday morning.

I was a bit dissappointed because the shops there were a bit boring but they change every day so it depents on when you go. But there was a really good burgershop at the market. Two of us ordered the “Titanic Burger“. It was two big patties with two slices of cheese, onions and bacon. I only ordered a bacon and cheese burger, but it was great too. The best part was that you could pick your own sauce and they had a lot of variety.

On our way to the city center we walked into a souvenir shop. I bought something for my girlfriend and my mom back home.

After that we went to Primark. The store we went to was only for men and kids.  This was awesome since it wasn’t overcrowded. I decided on a nice grey shirt.

When we were heading home a friend wanted to look for a knife as a souvenir so we went to a traditional scottish store. He hasn’t found a knife but damn, we learned a lot about kilts.

Later that day, we were chilling at home and watched some episodes of Sons of Anarchy.


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