Pizza and Cinema

It’s Tuesday again! That means movies for only 3.50 pound the whole day.

For this „crazy Tuesday“ at the Movie-House in Belfast we decided to watch the new John Wick movie and order some pizza from „Little O’s“ before that because of the lack of time. The pizza from „Little O’s“ was really tasty and also quite ok in price for such a size.

When arriving at the „Movie-House“ we were a little confused at first, because the hall was so empty. We thought it would get a lot more full, but that was because the Movie House had provided 4 cinema halls for „John Wick Chapter 3“. That’s 2 more than for „Avengers Endgame“.

After 2 hours of action packed movie, I have to say that I liked the second John Wick movie a bit more, but it was still a really good movie. Can’t wait for the 4th chapter of John Wick coming in 2 years from now.

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