Free Comic day and Agent Mr X

At Saturday the 5th of May in 2018, I standed up at 7am. Because I wanted to go the comic shop „ForbiddenWorld“ they had on this day free comic day. The event was starting at 9am but the seller sayed to me, it will be better when I come a bi earlyer. I was at 8.30 am on the comic book shop and the queue was already quite long.

„Free Comic day and Agent Mr X“ weiterlesen

Belfast City Marathon 2018 | #Hit the firewall | Feast day

Day 37 07.05.2018 Monday


On Monday I had a day off from work because of it being a feast day. I stayed at home because the blister on my foot was still very painful. It wasn’t getting any better because of my new business shoes and the fact that I had to walk much more than I was used to in Berlin. While I stayed at home and didn’t move at all, my IT-team from agnew was taking part in the Belfast City Marathon 2018 to raise money for the Cancer Fund for Children. The Agnew group aimed to raise 150 000 pound in 2 year for this cause.

In the intranet I found many articles about different events that they already contributed to. It really impressed because they’ve already raised a lot of money.

One of this events was the marathon. They also participated in events like the “Climb Slieve Donard” which is a part of the Mourne Mountains. It is the highest peak in Northern Ireland and in the wider province of Ulster. During the event you have to climb it. „Belfast City Marathon 2018 | #Hit the firewall | Feast day“ weiterlesen

„Networking Engineer by day, grillmaster by night.“

(quote from unknown)

6th of May in 2018:

A long time ago, we planned to have a barbecue because of JDP’s excellent accommodation. The sunny weather suited the best. But first of all Jenny, Phi, Dome and I went to St. George’s Market. We met Tim, Robert and Giuliano there. „„Networking Engineer by day, grillmaster by night.““ weiterlesen

St. Georges Market & Barbecue Party

For a long time I could sleep long again. Because we meet with Tim and Robert at 1pm on St. Georges Market today, I could stay in bed until 11am. Arriving at St. Georges Market, I wanted to buy a Pulled Pork Burger, but unfortunately everything was already sold out today.

Well, after walking around the market for a while, we went to the next Tesco superstore to buy some food for our BBQ party. As the weather was very good today, this was the perfect day for a barbecue. „St. Georges Market & Barbecue Party“ weiterlesen

St. George’s Market & Grill Party

My goal for today was to visit the St. George’s Market. Since we wanted to meet at 1pm, I could sleep longer and enjoy a hot bath again. At 12:30pm, Giang, Jenny, Dominik and I made our way to St. George’s Market. The sky was clear and the sun smiled. Once there, we first had to find Tim, Robert and Giuliano. After a few minutes, we found them at a food stand.

As I looked at all the stands, one thing suddenly occurred to me. „St. George’s Market & Grill Party“ weiterlesen

Barbeque in our house

Day 36 06.05.2018 Sunday


On Sunday I decided get some rest because my foot was hurting very bad. I had a large blister on my toe because of all the walking, so every step I made was painful. While I stayed at home my roommates visited the St. Georges Market again. Our Landlord came to refill our water boiler because we asked him to and didn’t knew how to do it.

It was a very sunny day so we had a barbeque. The barbeque was very delicious. It is really convenient to have a grill at the back of the house. In Germany I always have to go to a park with determined barbeque areas for a barbeque. It was very easy to clean the grill because you can use the sink inside the house instead of using a water bottle while being at the park. After we finished our meal we played “spyfall”. “Spyfall” is a game (you can find it online) where one or two people of your group are the spies. The others have to figure out, who the spies while the spies have figure out the location of the other without being caught. „Barbeque in our house“ weiterlesen

„You see but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.“

(quote from Sherlock Holmes)

5th of May in 2018:

The first weekend in our new accommodation started early. At 9 a.m. Jenny and I made German pancakes and porridge with frost fruits. It was the first time I’ve ever made porridge *haha*. „„You see but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.““ weiterlesen

Half the time is over

My week already started exciting. Since we had clarified the move of Giang and Son together with Interneurope late at night, today they moved in with us in the apartment. Jenny and I went to Giang and Son right after work to help pack them up. After everything was stowed in the suitcases, we took a taxi and drove to our accommodation. „Half the time is over“ weiterlesen

Playing Agent X

There was good weather and our plan for today was to play the popular outdoor game Agent X in the Belfast city centre. But first I enjoyed a hot bath. After that, Giang, Son, Jenny, Dominik and I made our way to the Belfast City Hall. On the way there we visited the comic store „Forbidden Planet International, because Son wanted to grab some free comics there. „Playing Agent X“ weiterlesen

Agent X in belfast city

Day 35 05.05.2018 Saturday


On Saturday a roommate of mine woke up early because it was the “free comic day” where you could get comic samples for free. For her it was definitive worth it because she grabbed a lot of comics as well as a hulk figure which she wasn’t aware of.

Later my roommates and I played ‘Agent X’ by Qeevee GmbH at the city centre with 2 schoolmates. That’s why we met in front of the City Hall. “Agent X” is a GPS based mobile game where one of you is the Agent X and has to hide while the others have to catch him. You can set a time limit as well as determine how often the position of agent X will be displayed to the others. „Agent X in belfast city“ weiterlesen