Officers in front of the house!

Today I had a normal day at work. I continued programming as the other days, ate something delicious for lunch and got home in time. But today, when I got home, some kids asked me: “Do you want to buy an egg for just 50p”. I was a bit confused and rejected their ‘offer’ (I also had no coins with me). When my host mom got home, she told me that the kids asked her if she had an egg for them.

„Officers in front of the house!“ weiterlesen

The vault

The plan for today was so far to set up a server for testing purposes on a virtual machine (VMWare 15) running on Louis’ Tablet. For me to be able to connect from my laptop to open the Active Directory and add some group policies and other configuration Louis configured a port forwarding for port 3389 (RDP) on his Tablet.
Later, we did a testimonial setting up an old and unused tower pc (with Core i7 processor) of DocuLand to become a Windows server. To accomplish that we went for an extension of the RAM to 16 GB by adding the two RAM memory modules from a core i5 pc. After the normal start had failed we were trying to let the PC start with a Debian Linux based hypervisor when we realized no success either because of the BIOS built in network card which could not be detected by the hypervisor. A test with the core i5 pc did not work either because of the same issue. Due to that circumstance we needed to wait for our technical contact Rob to ask him for a dedicated network card.

In a conversation with our Chief we were told: In earlier times the rooms were used by two banks after each other. Hence behind the wall behind my desk there is an old vault. However, nobody is allowed to have a look behind the door because of classification of this building as a historical monument.
Furthermore, he described their plan to let the company grow. In that context a server is relevant for the company especially. But also a backup system is quite important for them.

Work, fish & chips

Today, in the morning as usual I went to my workplace, the Twin-School. When I arrived there, I started immediately with my task from the previous day. My colleague, the one who gave me the tasks wasn’t there when I arrived. Later when he showed up we had a little talk about the program.

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Finally Working!

The last few days of my stay here in london have been spent just enjoying life. Most days Nickolas, Steven, and I have been going to a pub called „Ninth Life“. This place has a beer called „Lagunitas IPA“, which is a beer that originates out of the small town that I grew up in, Petaluma, California. Being in the UK, we have also been drinking Guinness here. They also have great chicken wings. I also recently got a hair cut at a barber called „Istanbul Barbershop“.

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My first day at work

Today I went to the Twin-School again but this time the purpose was not to attend English lessons. Today I started with my internship. Finally, after 1 week we could start with the real deal. When I arrived there, my colleague explained me everything, every person there was super friendly to me.

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The first taste of whats to come

Yesterday some of us got our work placements, myself included.

I was to have my interview a bit later on the same day, for a position at TWIN (the agency in which we had our English course), in which i would be required to do quite a bit of programming. While in and of itself that would not be an issue, I really wanted this internship to give me the chance to further my English skills.
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A nice work placement

I started with a powerful breakfast of muesli. That was important for me especially today since it was the first day for me doing my work placement. I left home at 8:15 but unfortunately the train I planned to take had been cancelled.
Arriving at DocuLand I had a little talk to Elif who is the responsible employee for accounting. She was depacking many letters. „A nice work placement“ weiterlesen

Fresh breeze in the accommodation

Since monday we have some austrians in our accommodation. It is very refreshing because you get to know new people and also see other habits. Nevertheless many things remain the same. For example the evenings consist mostly of watching movies and sometimes cooking together. You get to know the others better and better and the cohesion gets bigger. But of course you also enjoy the quiet moments, because with 4 or now 12 people it can be very stressful and then 5 minutes of rest are very pleasant,but that’s pretty hard because the building is very sensitive and you can hear every conversation and every step. Furthermore, it’s moldy in some corners.