Hellooooo Brixton!

Today I went to Brixton Market, an area where you can find fresh fruits, vegetables and fish being sold. You can buy here all the fresh food that are being sold directly from farmers. You know your money is worth for that healthy food.
I was just looking around and I must to say that many people use this chance every Sunday to buy their fruits there.


„Hellooooo Brixton!“ weiterlesen

Raining, again…

Today I woke up a bit late because it’s weekend and of course IT students are known to be sleepyheads. When I took a quick look outside it seemed that it would be a nice day. I ate a healthy breakfast with my host family and afterwards I looked out again and the sky was covered in dark clouds and it was already raining.

„Raining, again…“ weiterlesen

Arthur’s Seat

My first day in Edinbourgh was very nice. I slept until 9:30 in the morning. When I set myself upright on the bed got to know my new roommate. His name was Shawn and he is from Los Angeles. We began to have a nice and long conversation: He told me of his background to visit Scotland. He finished his time of school last year. By the end of march he went on his way to discover Western Europe. Starting his tour in Berlin he continued through Amsterdam, Paris, Switzerland, Venice, Bologna, Rome and Madrid. From there he also arrived in Edinburgh yesterday. And for tomorrow he planned to continue to London and end his trip on Friday. It felt funny for us to be the only who were occupying our room for six.
As we were both there on our own we decided to discover the city together. „Arthur’s Seat“ weiterlesen

A whole lot of work

The last two days came and went pretty fast.

I spent almost the whole day yesterday, on cleaning laptops and installing clean windows images onto them.
Well, today i spent all day wiping loose harddrives and those inside of the laptops, using tools like ‚dban‘ or ‚Disk Wiper‘.

I was asked to stay  late today, so i could help repatching the VoIP phone system and putting the required switches into their server racks.
This was supposed to take about an hour, but turned out to take almost three.
Although taking so much longer than planned, it was fun and my coworker is quite nice to work with and talk to.